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Monumental Movie Event

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--- Quote from: metaldoc on February 29, 2012, 06:32:21 AM ---Admittedly I can be pretty touchy about flag etiquette, but hey guys, here's someone willing to take a stand and point out the problems dragging this nation into ruin.  He's not being PC and playing along with the Hollywood liberals.  Kudos to him for taking this project on.  Looking past all that and concentrating on the way he's holding the flag is kinda missing the point and maybe just a little nit-picky.  I'm bettin' the Marines didn't carry a properly triangle folded flag up the slopes of Iwo Jima either...

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Oh, I (tentatively) give Cameron kudos for putting the project together (waiting to see it before I go 'all in') but he was posing for a picture, not planting a flag after having just survived a battle.

NE Bull:
Ditto what MetalDR said.

 "not planting a flag after having just survived a battle.

Shame on John Wayne for filming "The Sands of Iwo Jima" et al.   With that kind of thinking, every war movie in which the flag is destroyed, torn, ripped apart or otherwise "desecrated" is offensive????   It's a movie for crying out loud.  And yes, I can say this as a former Naval officer myself, whose father and grandfather also served and were wounded (grandfather in WWII) in the Army defending that glorious flag.


--- Quote from: bullit on February 29, 2012, 11:15:29 AM --- "not planting a flag after having just survived a battle.

Shame on John Wayne for filming "The Sands of Iwo Jima" et al.   With that kind of thinking, every war movie in which the flag is destroyed, torn, ripped apart or otherwise "desecrated" is offensive????   It's a movie for crying out loud.  And yes, I can say this as a former Naval officer myself, whose father and grandfather also served and were wounded (grandfather in WWII) in the Army defending that glorious flag.

--- End quote ---

I think you're missing my point.

Cameron is not reenacting an actual battle or incident where the flag was "destroyed, torn, ripped apart or otherwise 'desecrated' ", he's just walking down the street, as it were.  Cameron is carrying the flag for effect ... nothing more, nothing less.  My (minor) point was that it would have been nice had he carried it with a bit more respect.

As far as U.S. military lineage goes ... mine flows contiguously back to George Washington on his mother's side.  Not sure what that has to do with the price of tea in China.


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