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anyone else seen the NRA membership upgrade?


 anyone seen the latest NRA membership upgrades ??????????/
I have been an NRA Life Member for well over 25 years.

I was just sent an offer I couldn't refuse.

It normally cost $1000 to upgrade to the Endowment level.
Right now it is only $250 !!!!!!!!
You can even make $50 per month payments !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yup, I am now an at the Endowment level.
Paid in full.

The NRA is going to need a LOT more support in these coming years. It looks like the current administration is likely to get another 4 years to try to take our gun rights away.
The NRA needs lots of money, and we need to get membership
up to all time high levels.
If membership could hit 5 or 6 million,
that will make poloticians take notice.

Good Shootin!!

Thanks for the info, I took advantage of a similar offer a few yrs ago. I agree that it appears, as of now, that Obongo will be re-elected and we'll need every resource to blunt his assault on our Liberties.

FYI, the NRA is not well regarded here by many members, so prepare to be rebuffed. A few might (rightly) point out that the NRA hasn't always handled every issue well, and occasionally outright terribly. Others tend to get a little far afield and blame the NRA for everything from hangnails to their dog dying.     


--- Quote from: Hardwood83 on March 01, 2012, 11:12:11 AM ---their dog dying.     

--- End quote ---

Yes, but she was the best hunting partner a man could ever want.   :)

If anybody hears about discounts on Life memberships let me know. I have been wanting to buy it but can't justify that price in college (so I went out and put that money into a tangible assest,  s&w 500 on layaway until I turn 21 in a few weeks hehe)


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