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PC correct answer?

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NE Bull:
I was just wondering, is it politically correct when asked "What brings you in here for your first ever eye exam?" to answer, "Well, Doc, I just can't seem to focus on the front site anymore, and if I aim to be competetive this season....." or could have went with  "....if I am ever involved in a Critical Defense Incident, I...."   8)

That's about as politically correct as my Doc telling me "It's 'cuz you're old!" when I said "I can't see my front sight" to him.  :laugh:

Wesley D:
My wife would see you.  And she'd probably ask whether you're having trouble with your handguns or longer sight radius long guns.  Actually, she just told me that she gets that question a lot, but of course it's always from patients who are 45+... Zing!   :laugh:

When I went in for my Lasik surgery consultation, I told them I was very concerned about being able to maintain my shooting accuracy.  The doc was in the Reserves so he understood.  The nurse ... maybe not so much.  :D

I'm getting there myself.  That front sight is getting harder and harder to see.  Aperture rear sights help a lot, but I'm still getting worse.  I think I need to look into Lasik to fix my distance vision and then get reading glasses for up close.  Otherwise I'm going to need bifocals one of these days.


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