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PC correct answer?

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NE Bull:
How 'bout today when I was shopping for new work boots;  "do ya'll have this in black with a built in holster for a LCP?"  Ok I didn't really say it, but the thought crossed my mind, the kid gave me a quizical look when I chuckled to myself.

Just be aware about the Lasik guys, I had it done and about 6 years later I'm dependent on glasses again.  My eye doctor said they are finding this very common.

Wesley D:
Lasik fixes nearsidedness (distance). When you have that corrected, you'll still need readers for close up at about age 40 (some earlier, some later). It's biology.

Koenig, if you have Lasik, consider asking them to not correct all of your nearsidedness away (like oif you're 5 units nearsided, have them correct 4 units and leave you 1 unit of nearsidedness) and you'll be able to go longer before you need readers. Mindy can tell you more about it if you're interested.


--- Quote from: Wesley D on March 02, 2012, 02:25:11 PM ---Lasik fixes nearsidedness (distance). When you have that corrected, you'll still need readers for close up at about age 40 (some earlier, some later). It's biology.

Koenig, if you have Lasik, consider asking them to not correct all of your nearsidedness away (like oif you're 5 units nearsided, have them correct 4 units and leave you 1 unit of nearsidedness) and you'll be able to go longer before you need readers. Mindy can tell you more about it if you're interested.

--- End quote ---
I had a astigmatism (hope thats how its spelled) and nearsighted, could have used that info 6 years ago. 

Wesley D:

--- Quote from: sparky on March 02, 2012, 03:25:57 PM ---I had a astigmatism (hope thats how its spelled) and nearsighted, could have used that info 6 years ago. 

--- End quote ---

Yeah, some eye docs are better than others.  The better ones take a little extra time to fully explain procedures and options to their patients. 


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