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Author Topic: Columbus Carry  (Read 1125 times)

Offline bk09

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Columbus Carry
« on: March 04, 2012, 06:32:23 PM »
I was just searching through the archives and was a little disturbed to see that cities can ban concealed carry. I noticed that Columbus was one of these cities. My parents still live there and I hope to go through all the hoops and turn in the ccw paperwork in May so I should hopefully be carrying by August. The posts I saw were several years old and I would like to know if anything has changed in Columbus. Gosh I hope concealed carry is legal there, that town has gone to hell in a hand basket with it's youth. My dad's truck has been broken into, my car has been vandalized by a gang, and a house down the street was spray painted by a gang; there is a cop that lives 2 houses down and is no more than 100 yards from either crime scene. That is one town I feel that needs to let people use a ccw.

EDIT: Sorry just did some research of the city ordinances and found out they changed this a while ago lol. http://www.amlegal.com/nxt/gateway.dll/Nebraska/columbus_ne/columbusnebraskacitycode?f=templates$fn=default.htm$3.0$vid=amlegal:columbus_ne
« Last Edit: March 04, 2012, 06:44:57 PM by bradkoll »

Offline DanClrk51

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Re: Columbus Carry
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2012, 08:08:20 PM »
They only changed it cuz the new state law made it illegal for them to ban it. Cities and villages cannot ban concealed carry by CHP holders.

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Re: Columbus Carry
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2012, 08:57:30 PM »
and Bradkoll, you can send a HUGE thanks out to those active members who 'beat down doors' in the legislature time and time again to get that bill passed.  There were many towns- Beatrice, Seward, Omaha (still working on that one to listen) Columbus, etc.
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