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The "Buying Spree 2012" has begun

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--- Quote from: skydve76 on March 07, 2012, 06:30:24 PM ---The only thing that scares me is people can make things happen out of fear.

--- End quote ---

Oil Speculation... Meh I hate filling up

My guesses:

1)  10% People thinking the Armageddon will happen this December
2)  50% People seeing the writing on the wall for the election: Gun-hater Romney or Gun-hater Obama.
3)  20% People that want a few thousand extra rounds "just because".
4)  20% People that shoot a LOT of ammo anyway and are always buying in large quantities.

I am a cross between #'s 2 and 3.

Yes the buying spree is in the beginning stages and gaining momentum. Someone mentioned Bud's Gunshop. They sent out an email a little bit ago that was an "informational" email that warned of impending shortages and was full of scare tactics including stats about how many people were online at their website. Brownells sent a similar email as well as LuckyGunner starting last year after a certain piece of legislation was passed. The bottom line is people are getting edgy and fearing a repeat of 2008 no matter who is elected and it's feeding on itself. From what I've heard Lake City has stopped sales of 5.56 to the civilian market and PMC .223 is indefinitely backordered. Also prices on almost all calibers are on the rise starting about a month ago especially .223 and 9mm. It's happening and all I can suggest is make sure you have enough to get by until the election madness dies down and it'll all go back to normal when the dust settles. 


--- Quote from: FarmerRick on March 06, 2012, 08:39:55 PM ---I'm vaguely familiar with    :laugh:

--- End quote ---

Me too  ;) Thanks Cliff!

i am looking to buy ammo and AR parts... well because i need them!  but ill buy ammo so if the shelves stay empty, i might be able to sell some for some cash, but im mostly going to hoard it up after next week or so.


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