Ammunition & Hand Loading > General Ammunition Discussion

$510 for a Maglula reloader...seriously?

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I was looking for something to make loading my AR-15 magazines easier and found a video for the Maglula Benchloader...

Only problem, Brownell's is selling them for $510!  :o 

Am I missing something or is there a reason these are so much?


What a waste of money - notice how they didn't show how long it takes to load the loader? Sure, once the loader is loaded it's fast - PMAG's load so quick and easy I couldn't even justify $50 for something like that.

Then you have to buy a reloader for the reloader

I'll take a $25 Butler Creek LULA and use the remainder on another AR.....


--- Quote from: bullit on March 08, 2012, 06:42:50 AM ---I'll take a $25 Butler Creek LULA and use the remainder on another AR.....

--- End quote ---

Bingo.  I use mine all the time, much easier on the fingers.


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