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Close curtains before handling any weapons INSIDE my own home...

Breaking News in Lincoln --

Lincoln police blocked off Plum Street between Ninth and 11th Tuesday morning after firefighters arrived at a home at 10th and Plum to find a man armed with a handgun.
According to scanner traffic, Lincoln Fire and Rescue workers went to check on the man, who had not been to work in a couple of days, and saw him inside the house holding a gun.
Nearby business and a church preschool were locked down during the incident and at 10:55 officers entered the man's garage with guns drawn while an officer stood across the street with a rifle pointed at the house.

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NE Bull:
I kinda thought about that when I was checking the clarity and distance of my scope after mounting it on my Mosin.  Of course I live in an apartment and had to stand at the balcony doors.  I stayed inside, but afterthought was if someone looked up at that moment in time, I probably would have gotten a visit from Lincoln's finest...

Back to story, I wonder what they will find to charge him with and what their reasoning behind entering home..
History of violence?
Suicidal tendancy?
Mental health ?
or because he was playing hookey from work and had just got back from the range and was cleaning his gun and somebody felt "uncomfortable" ?

According the Journal Star, that guy shot and killed himself about 10 minutes after police arrived.

Looks like when he saw police it helped egg him on. He had been gone from work for 2 days already so why didn't he get it done then? This is horrible and my heart goes out to the victims family and friends, nobody should go out in life a quitter.

NE Bull:
Well, my questions are answered, but now I have more...


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