In Texas you can use deadly force to protect property, that is something that goes beyond the Castle Doctrine.
I've seen many people confuse Castle Doctrine with property protection rules.
I'm a bit young, but I'm aware of the "Make My Day Law" stuff. Don't recall where the phrase originated or the state to attribute it to - but it's the deadly force to protect property stuff.
To clarify, Castle Doctrine only gives you 'immunity' (or varying degrees) if you believe that you or those under your protection are within immediate deadly harm while within your home.
The idea being - if the use of force was deemed necessary, you are granted some 'right out' protection against criminal charges and don't have to deal with that fuss. It's a conceptual thing.
The 'make my day law' stuff takes this a huge step forward and allows the protection of property via deadly force.
The final extreme would be the ability to shoot trespassers (which I don't believe exists anywhere ?).