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NFOA Sticker

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I got an NFOA sticker in the mail today. A regular round one. I'm wondering if it'll do ok on my Jeep or if it'll get nasty. Probably a dumb question but I don't want to use it on my Jeep if it's not going to hold up at all.

i have one on my truck rear window.  its been there about a year and a half, still looking good.  i think the quality is pretty good.  my truck sits outside too, during the winter and summer.

Dan W:
We ordered the stickers with an extra UV blocker in the coatings and they do hold up well

Does Rod stock these at his store?


--- Quote from: 00BUCK on March 20, 2012, 12:09:26 AM ---Does Rod stock these at his store?

--- End quote ---


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