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Thank you Senator Fulton.
RJ I like that idea, once he is out of office he would be able to accept that type of gift.
I have heard that he is going on into something else that will continue to serve the state, and be able to be friendly with us. Don't know what yet it is being kept quite at his time.
"Gov. Fulton" has a nice ring to it......
--- Quote from: bullit on March 31, 2012, 01:01:19 PM ---"Gov. Fulton" has a nice ring to it......
--- End quote ---
Yes it does.
The only two names I've heard so far as looking to run are Sheehy and Lathrop. We won't see much for awhile since that election is two years away. I'd like to see Fulton run.
With all due respect to LT GOV Sheehy, he's next in line of the "pecking order". That seems to be how it goes in NE politics, at least in the Republican party (of which I am a card carrying one) e.g. Bruning stepping aside for Johans.
I don't think Bruning stepped aside out of a duty to Johans. I think he did because there was no way he would win a primary against Johans.
I like Sheehy, on a personal level, but I don't know if he is ready for prime time.
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