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Mayor Suttle forms New Illegal Gun Task Force


In a continued effort to get illegal guns off of Omaha's streets, Top Jimmy has formed a task force to look into new ways to remove those evil guns:

Does this mean that Suttle will finally give up on the voluntary gun turn-in's?  Has he finally realized that they don't work?  One can only hope.

While we're on the subject of hope, one can only hope that one of the three citizens named to the committee is UNO professor Sam Walker who has, arguably, studied gun violence in Omaha more than any other human being on the face of the planet. 

Then again, Walker has pointed out the failures of Suttle's previous approaches to the problem so ... probably not.

Ironically, there is nothing mentioned about reducing the amount of gang activity.  I'm sure the mayor believes that once gang members no longer have guns, everything will be just fine.

Looks like another waste of money to me.


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