General Categories > Laws and Legislation

Another reason we need uniform signage

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The Romeo's restaurant on L street has this sign in their lobby:

Likely not "conspicuous", but who is to say?

Begs the Question...  Is that a actual policy or just a novelty item   :-\

I'd bet any haft way good Lawyer would have a field day on that one.


Seeing that it is for sale, I'd say you are safe.  Take your horse and find out.  Won't potentially lose your permit that way.

Wesley D:

--- Quote from: bullit on April 09, 2012, 09:42:48 AM ---Seeing that it is for sale, I'd say you are safe.  Take your horse and find out.  Won't potentially lose your permit that way.

--- End quote ---


Having grown up around both horses and guns I can say with authority that guns are much safer.  They don't decide to randomly kick or bite you because they're having a bad day.  And I love horses.  I've never been shot by a gun, but I've had the crap beat out of me many times by a horse.   ;D


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