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How is everyone 'weatherin the storm(s)'?

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2.67" of rain here at my place in Lincoln.  I also had to get the ladder out to clean the plugged gutters of helicopters while it was pouring rain.

Just lots of rain in the southern burbs of Omaha. Went for a scenic drive about 7:30 to check on the Papio Creek system. They seem to be about 80% full and could go higher.  :o

NE Bull:
How 'bout you folks out West? Looking like things might be a little blustery there.

i went to a gun auction in Deshler and we left about half way through.  30 minutes after we left, the town had a tornado close by.  we left just in time and made it back to Lincoln just fine.

link for storm watchers live video:

Dan W:
Other than my dogs freakin out over the thunder and a plugged up gutter we are unscathed at this point


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