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Should NE schools to teach patriotism or progressivism?

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Wesley D:

--- Quote from: NENick on April 26, 2012, 11:45:23 AM ---I'll be going on the 30th.

This is also an opportunity for us to pull these motivated citizens into the NFOA. Who here can turn out with me?

--- End quote ---
Nick - If you have time, once you get back, please let us know what the session was like, so we know what to expect for Omaha tomorrow.

Wesley D:
Reminder for tonight and tomorrow.  Also, you can download the proposed draft social studies standards here:

I've not fully reviewed it yet, but was happy to see there are still references to the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the historical foundation and events that lead to the formation of our constitutional government.  Also, there's supposed to be a new "personal finance" curriculum included, which is an education too many adults are lacking in.  There were, however, a couple of references to global citizens and global government that are concerning - though, in the foundation, structures, and functions of global government bullet point, it gives examples as: UN, NATO, EU, treaties, Communism, Fascism, and trade orgs.  So, perhaps that could be an accurate way to present the concept of global government... 

Looking forward to seeing Andy and anyone else who can make it to the Omaha meeting tomorrow. 

I'm trapped here in Omaha at the office. I think I'll pass on the Lincoln meeting since it'll be almost 1915 before I can get there. You'll be seeing me tomorrow instead.

Who's all going out tomorrow?

NE Bull:
Dagnabbit, I got caught up rearranging the gun room (trying to get to the point I can once again sleep on my own bed ;) ) and also missed Lincoln's. As I may be in Omaha tomorrow anyway, I may stop by that one and throw in my $.02

The meeting went extremely well! I'm absolutely refreshed from having listened to everyone. The people that attended were extremely articulate, educated, and motivated. Geography, Social Studies, Civics, and History were discussed.

The group was incredible to listen to. Everyone's opinion was damn near unanimous.
A few things covered -

•   No progressivism
•   Don't teach our children that they fit into minority groups
•   We're one nation, with many individuals
•   No global warming
•   You teach facts only, we'll teach them how to interpret them
•   There is no such thing as a global government
•   We don't have a national government, but rather a Federal government
•   The government doesn't make goods for the people, private enterprises do
•   Republic vs. Democracy
•   Teach that we're a Republic
•   Yes, we have a constitution. It isn't old and outdated. They absolutely must learn it
•   Teach the benefits of our government over communism, etc
•   Teach American pride, reverence for the flag
•   We did not ratify UN Agenda 21, so get its language the hell out of NE standards

So much more was covered than just these bullet points. Once I have some time to review, I'll add in what was forgotten.

It is clear that the opinions of the representatives of academia present disagreed with us. I'm sure that the members of the board who are taking our opinions into consideration share academia's feelings. 
Plenty of eye rolls were present. They believe that we the People are too stupid to know what should be taught. They're the educated professionals after all.

P.S   They tried to split everyone into small groups at the beginning of the meeting, but attendees voted that we were going to stay together in order to hear everyone's opinion. This was an excellent move, because we were able to cut right through the BS when they tried to out think our opinions. Had we been in smaller groups, they'd surely have been able to dampen and silence opinions. Plus, when I couldn't quickly collect an argument for an issue, someone else in the room was able to pipe up. 

•   Don't let them talk to the group like children, because they'll try to
•   Don't let them convince you that there isn't enough time to stay in a large group, because there was plenty
•   Stick to your guns, because they will definitely disagree at every corner
•   Everyone in the room, except for a few members of academia, agrees with you, so pipe up!


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