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Pat Flynn for US Senate?

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Tom Becka is talking to Pat Flynn on the radio. He played a clip of Flynn questioning Brunning about some campaign contributors that seem fishy. Bruning's answer was super wishy washy and rather annoying. If someone has the audio clip, please post it.

Does anyone know anything about Pat Flynn?


--- Quote from: NENick on May 09, 2012, 04:56:23 PM ---

Tom Becka is talking to Pat Flynn on the radio. He played a clip of Flynn questioning Brunning about some campaign contributors that seem fishy. Bruning's answer was super wishy washy and rather annoying. If someone has the audio clip, please post it.

Does anyone know anything about Pat Flynn?

--- End quote ---

Last poll I seen had him at 13%. 

I've thrown my support behind Sen. Fischer, who is currently in a statistical tie with Bruning in a recent poll.

Pat took me to lunch right after his last Senate run.  He is an outstanding guy and would be an outstanding Senator.  Problems for him are 1) The Repubican (yes, I spelled it this way) Elite are not going to get behind him, 2) no name recognition, 3) Single and never been married (which sometimes factors in), and 4) no "experience" in politics (which for me is a good thing as if it is supposed to make you magically a better "leader").

I'm feeling pretty good about Deb too.

Political experience to me is a negative. I want someone with no experience. They make it sound like functioning in a government role is difficult... BS. Any one of us could handle those jobs without a problem. Now, lets talk about how difficult working in the private sector can be.

Nick I think you found the problem, there isn't enough of "us" doing that job, so it falls to the profesional politicians.


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