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UNO Campus-wide Email: Security Incident Near Criss Library


UNO emailed this out to me on March 30th... I never check the email, so sorry for the delay.

--- Quote ---UNO Enotes
Mar 30
to unowhatsup

At about 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 29, a man with a knife confronted a faculty member who had just entered her car that was parked in the faculty parking lot just south of Criss Library.  The man took the faculty member’s car and drove away from campus.  The faculty member was not injured.

Members of the campus community did witness the incident and came to the aid of the faculty member and also immediately contacted UNO Campus Security for assistance.

The Omaha Police Department, with information and assistance from Campus Security, is currently investigating the incident.

The University of Nebraska at Omaha has had three motor vehicle thefts and one aggravated assault on campus since 2008.

Campus Security offers personal escorts to vehicles and personal safety checks in university buildings at anytime of day or night for anyone at UNO.  UNO also has an extensive Blue Light emergency phone system and a variety of emergency notification systems.  The Campus Security Phone number is (402) 554-2911.

“Help us help you,” said Paul Kosel, manager of Campus Security.  “If you see something that doesn’t look right or looks suspicious, please call us.”

The Omaha Police Department’s Crime Stoppers program can be contacted at (402) 444-STOP or online at
--- End quote ---

Thank goodness she wasn't able to shoot this guy.

She'd have been committing murder! Good lord, it could have been a hate crime too. Thank goodness both of those crimes weren't allowed to occur.

   Nice of them to offer to be resposible for everyone's security. Wonder what would happen if 100's of students called in the morning and asked for escorts from their car to class? That's the difference between theory and practice. In theory, you can call for security if you want protection. In reality, they don't have 100's of armed security guards to protect each individual. Sure would be nice to call the bluff,heheh.  RJ

RJ that's exactly what every student and staff member should do!  See how fast they say they don't have the manpower to do so... or start referencing Supreme Court cases to prove they aren't responsible for individual safety  ::)


--- Quote from: omaharj on May 10, 2012, 05:07:16 PM ---   Nice of them to offer to be resposible for everyone's security. Wonder what would happen if 100's of students called in the morning and asked for escorts from their car to class? That's the difference between theory and practice. In theory, you can call for security if you want protection. In reality, they don't have 100's of armed security guards to protect each individual. Sure would be nice to call the bluff,heheh.  RJ

--- End quote ---

I think I remember hearing that UNO's security "force" is un-armed".   :o

Human scarecrows in other words.


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