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Tomorrow is the day

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Dan W:
Please join me tomorrow by voting in the primary election for the candidate of your choice.

I heard today that only 23% of registered voters are expected to cast a ballot in this election, and it disgusts me to think that more than 75% will sit home and ignore the duty they have as citizens to vote their conscience.

It it my sincere hope that all NFOA members will take an active role in the future of our cities, state and country by voting in every election.

We'll run into each other, because I'll be voting.

Poor Man:
Very good suggestion Dan ! !      ;D

I plan on it.  In fact, I make it a point to always take my daughter with me when I vote.

NE Bull:

--- Quote from: bkoenig on May 14, 2012, 08:53:29 PM ---I plan on it.  In fact, I make it a point to always take my daughter with me when I vote.

--- End quote ---

Great Idea BK!!  I truly wish I could do that (the whole in school 50miles away kinda puts a kabosh on it)  It would do our youth good to actually see Ma n Pa excersicing their civic rights duties.


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