General Categories > Non Gun Stuff

Tomorrow is the day

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NE Bull:
My polling place moved a whole half block to another church up the road. Then I had to take the long way around due to construction.  I wonder how many folks will use that excuse?
My gals were pretty helpful, answering my questions.  And they gave me Stickers!!!  Squeee!!

When I voted my precinct had had just over 100 people vote, with less than 2 hours before the polls close, that puts them at less than 5%.  I know there was more than usual voting early in Douglas County but that is just plain pitiful.

I didn't look at the numbers, but my precinct was pretty quiet.  Maybe 2 or 3 people there at the same time as me.  This was right after I got off work at 4:00 though.  Hopefully more people voted later.

NE Bull:
I for one have pondering pushing legislation that at age 18, EVERYONE has to go to the Post Office and register to Vote!   Just like every male of 18years has to register for selective service.   Any thoughts? State or Federal issue?


I voted three times today.

Once under my name, once under my neighbors name, and once under a friends name in another precinct.  My sister was here today from Iowa and I had her vote also under my neighbors wifes name.

I figure since so many people are opposed to having to a person show ID to vote, I might as well take advantage of it.

Flame on *****es...



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