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Tomorrow is the day

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Dan W:

--- Quote from: 66bigblock on May 15, 2012, 08:37:52 PM ---I voted three times today.

Once under my name, once under my neighbors name, and once under a friends name in another precinct.  My sister was here today from Iowa and I had her vote also under my neighbors wifes name.

I figure since so many people are opposed to having to a person show ID to vote, I might as well take advantage of it.

Flame on *****es...


--- End quote ---

you funny guy...i kill you last


They are draggin' you down where they will beat you with experience......

Also, given that the Federal Election powers that be are given to pretty blatant favoritism/selective enforcement (Black Panthers can stand in front of a polling place smacking batons into their palms with impunity, but if an Omaha election official consolidates a few poorly attended pllong stations, they are all over that...) it may not be a good idea to announce your voter fraud activities in public.  This is a pro gun forum and Mr. Holder is not our friend.  That makes you a target..... 

My precinct was pretty dead also.Looking on the bright side, if we are the only ones voting, our candidates should win. Especially 66bigblocks. Kind of sad about the state of the American citizen.

I had the place to myself when I voted.  They said I was number 128 out of a possible 971... kinda dismal.   As I left another man was coming in.  This was shortly after 5 pm so hopefully, some voters were stopping by on their way home from work.

NE Bull, like you I was wondering what could be done to get a better turn out, but I don't thinking having to register will make much difference on getting them out to vote.  Now maybe if a person had to show proof they voted before being able to buy Husker tickets, fishing and hunting licenses, etc. they'd make the effort to vote.

From Nebraska Senator John Harms' website:

"First of all, we do not have a problem with voter fraud in Nebraska. Our Secretary of State monitors, very closely, any potential instances and has stated to us that it simply isn’t a problem here."

"voter impersonation, where someone actually shows up to a polling place and pretends to be someone else. This is not only the rarest form of voter fraud anywhere in the country, it is also highly unlikely to ever happen in most of Nebraska as most of our communities are small enough that the voter will be recognized by someone there"

Full link here:

Not all of the voters in Nebraska live in towns of 100 or less people Mr. Harms.  I am pretty sure the odds of someone knowing that I wasnt who I thought I am is even lower than my precinct turnout of 11%...

I am also amazed that as the voting registrar is looking up my name on the list, I can easily look over the list and see all the names of other registered voters, their addresses, party affillation, spouse name and wether they have voted or not.



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