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Tomorrow is the day

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NE Bull:
I was kind of taken aback when the lady asked my name. - gave it to her- Address- check. Pulling registration card and ID from my wallet.  "I dont need that" What?  OK.

Someone mentioned this somewhere on our forum -

Pull your kid out of school and take them with you to vote. Show them that it is a special occasion that deserves special attention. Show them how to select the best candidate and what attributes to look for.

Maybe we could pass a NE law that has students set up and manage the polling places - for civics.

i went in before work.  i called in and said i had to vote so i took my sweet time and came in a few minutes late (its ok on election day).  most of my coworkers said they would vote after work and judging by where i work, they all voted democratic.

finally, all i had to say was my name and they asked is this your address and i said yes.  it was simple, too simple.

I could see every name on the same page as me.  Right out in clear sight.  I could have gone to every polling place in Lincoln yesterday and voted under a name on that list, and never been caught.  Sure, we may not have a problem with it now, but why leave it open?  Just because I've never had my house robbed doesn't mean I leave my doors unlocked.

Nebraska's proposed voter ID law provided for free ID for anyone who requested it, so there was no way to say it prevented the poor from voting.  That only leaves one reason that people would oppose it.


--- Quote from: NENick on May 16, 2012, 09:40:58 AM ---Someone mentioned this somewhere on our forum -

Pull your kid out of school and take them with you to vote. Show them that it is a special occasion that deserves special attention. Show them how to select the best candidate and what attributes to look for.

Maybe we could pass a NE law that has students set up and manage the polling places - for civics.

--- End quote ---

Students actually do vote in school, at least in Lincoln, however it is all done online and does not happen paper pencil like the adults. They only do it during the presidential election


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