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Tomorrow is the day

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NE Bull:

--- Quote from: huskersforever on May 16, 2012, 06:55:08 PM ---Students actually do vote in school, at least in Lincoln, however it is all done online and does not happen paper pencil like the adults. They only do it during the presidential election

--- End quote ---

You guys got me thinking about a Scouting outing come November.  Maybe I can hook up with a poling place in Elkhorn and have them help out in some way, even if it's handing out stickers and may free water or something.... hmmmm....

The wife and I went together.  Slow day at the local polling place, but then again it was mid week, mid day, and not in a commercial area.  I expect that it got busier later in the day.  At least I hope so.

Being a registered independent kinda sucks at primary time, but you pick it up on the backside during the general. 



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