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Tomorrow is the day

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I voted a little over 2 weeks ago.  Had to renew the plates on my car, so I was there anyway.

Farmer again today...the Libs do it  :)

As a registered Independent, there's really no point in going to the primary in Nebraska. 

There are Non-Partisan ballots, and if you live in a district where there is a Legislature race then it doesn't matter what you are registered as.  University Regents and other positions are also on the Non-Partisan ballots.

NE Bull:
I was checking on that very thing last night, for myself.  It also seems you can pick a Non partisan- Republican  or Non- partisan Democratic  ballots which allow you to vote on certain races?  Can anyone elaborate on this?  This would be my first primary  :-[

Must I designate a party affiliation?

•No, voters may choose from one of the three statewide parties currently recognized in Nebraska:  Democratic, Republican and Libertarian or they may choose to not affiliate with any party by checking the non-partisan box on the application.
•If you wish to vote in the primary election, where parties choose their nominees for state and county offices, you need to declare your party affiliation. 
•If you register without a political party affiliation, you will receive only the non-partisan ballots at a primary election.
•Non-partisans may designate a party preference at primary elections and receive partisan ballots for the Senate and House congressional races.
•Party designation has no bearing when voting a non-partisan ballot or in the general election.

From the Nebraska Secretary of State Website


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