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What am I doing in Omaha?

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I recall Captain Crunch was an Ensign when Lorimor was on Active Duty

NE Bull:
i understand how ya feel. I'm from North Central Kansas where there is a whole lotta nothing (by comparison to the 'metro') and I like it that way.  I relish every chance I get to go 'back home' and 'slow down' for a while.


--- Quote from: bullit on June 12, 2012, 03:16:13 PM ---I recall Captain Crunch was an Ensign when Lorimor was on Active Duty

--- End quote ---

Yep.  Iron ships were a novelty.


--- Quote ---Anything east of 81 is just too close to Omaha and the idjits that run the place. 
--- End quote ---

Actually, I prefer US 283 as the border between Nebraska and God's Country .....

West of the 100th Meridian, the weather is drier, and the pace of life is slower......


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