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Author Topic: News from the Second Amendment March  (Read 1464 times)

Offline huskergun

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News from the Second Amendment March
« on: March 11, 2009, 09:16:34 PM »
What's New
Going Down the YouTubes?
I dare say that too many people have no clue as to what America is and what makes America great. We are too busy watching American Idol, text messaging, or surfing the internet for pornography. Can I prove that? No. Do I need to? Probably not. I think it's self evident to most Americans, even the semi-clueless ones, that something is gravely wrong with our society. Something is broken. I submit to you that it is our own moral compass. It used to point to True North, a direction built on absolutes that never change, but now it switches directions every time the wind blows. I'm not going to preach to you. I just want to state my case and you can decide for yourselves.
In preparation for this article I watched a video written and narrated by John McManus titled "A Tribute to America". In my opinion, it should be viewed by every American, because it gives us the baseline for what America is all about, how it was founded and the proper role of government. You would think that a video this important would be viewed by millions upon millions of people, but it is not.
The video comes in 4 parts: the first one has only 15,465 views, which is really quite pitiful for a YouTube video; especially when you compare that to the Britney Spears "Womanizer" video which has 69,426,252 views. You read that number correctly:  sixty-nine MILLION views of a naked woman singing about her cheating live-in boyfriend.
Is America going down the YouTubes, and, if so, why? I believe the answer is yes and I believe the reason is because we no longer know who we are or what we stand for. Many of us have become selfish and ignorant, which inevitably leads to graft and corruption. Too many people today have a false idea of what the Second Amendment really is. They believe it is a right given to us by the government. That is false. If the government can bestow it, then they also can rightfully take it away. The Second Amendment, like all the amendments in the Bill of Rights, were bestowed upon us by our creator and the government's sole purpose is to protect those inalienable rights. The government's job is to protect us from each other and from foreign powers. The US Constitution is the document that binds the hands of the government. It restricts the powers of the government and makes them subservient to the people.
But too many in government no longer serve as our protector, and they are rapidly becoming our oppressor. The time for change is NOW!
I am encouraged by the millions of people standing up all over America and saying "Enough is enough! Government, get out of my house, get out of my family, get out of my church, get out of my pocket!" I would like to increase the number of people who watched the John McManus Tribute to America from 15,465 to well over sixty-nine million.
People are angry, but one has to remember that anger is most often a secondary emotion. I believe the primary emotion is fear. People are afraid of what the government has become. They are big and powerful and overbearing. They have become intrusive bullies, and we all know that a bully never quits until someone stands up to him.
It's time to put the government back into its rightful place as protectors of its citizens instead of oppressors of the people. Where can we start? First, log into YouTube and view the following videos. They will give you the baseline civics lesson you need to educate other people on what it means to be an American.
"A Tribute to America"
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

The entire series takes only about 30 minutes to view. After that, log back on to www.secondamendmentmarch.com www.secondamendmentmarch.com and register as a coordinator or other type of volunteer. (Click here to register.) If you have the means in these hard economic times, also contribute money to help us in our cause. (Click here to donate.) Visit our talk forum and make plans with other like-minded Americans to attend one of our many State Capitol Marches or the big DC March. (Click here to visit forum.)
The important thing is that you get back in the game! We need every American, regardless of political party, race, or religion. Everyone who believes that the Second Amendment is an individual right must come together.
If we don't stand up and unite, then America will continue to go down the YouTubes.
Skip Coryell lives with his wife and children in Michigan. He is the founder of the Second Amendment March and the author of six books including his newest "RKBA:  Defending the Right to Keep and Bear Arms", the Ted Nugent-acclaimed book "Blood in the Streets:  Concealed Carry and the OK Corral, the hunting novel "Bond of Unseen Blood", and the Second Amendment novel "We Hold These Truths". He is an NRA Instructor and co-owner of Midwest Tactical Training, teaching CPL classes in Michigan.. He also owns and manages White Feather Press. To find out more about Skip, his classes and his writing, go to www.skipcoryell.com and www.mwtac.com 
Supporter Spotlight

Alan Korwin: Gunlaws.com / Bloomfield Press
Alan Korwin wrote his first book, The Arizona Gun Owner's Guide, in 1989. It is now in its 23rd edition with more than 100,000 copies in print. He went on to write or co-write seven more books on gun laws, including state guides for California, Florida, Texas and Virginia, the unabridged federal guide Gun Laws of America, and his 11th, which debuted at the 2008 Gun Rights Policy Conference, The Heller Case: Gun Rights Affirmed!

With his wife Cheryl he operates Bloomfield Press, which has grown into the largest publisher and distributor of gun-law books in America. His website, gunlaws.com, features a National Directory to every gun law in the country and more than 160 books and DVDs for gun owners and the freedom movement. Alan's blog, PageNine.org, is carried by dozens of paper and online outlets, and rumors about his political parody band, The Cartridge Family, cannot be confirmed.
Here are a few links from Alan's site that you may find useful:
Tactics That Work: Clever and simple ideas for defending
the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
For researched info on News Media Bias:
To find a law anywhere in the country,
use their widely acclaimed National Directory:
And finally, for positions on gun issues, try Alan's Position Papers: http://www.gunlaws.com/updates.htm
Behind the Scenes 
Things tend to stay busy with Second Amendment March, and we realized that people might appreciate quick updates on what we've been working on.  Here's what we've been up to since our last newsletter:
 We have teamed up with USA Graphics to provide online merchandise orders for Second Amendment March.  It should be up and running within a week. All of the money raised will go directly to supporting your second amendment rights!

We have been in contact with the organizer of Wanenmacher's Tulsa Arms Show, the world's largest gun show (April 4th/5th).  Mr. Wanenmacher has agreed to place Second Amendment March flyers on their literature table, so we have been tweaking our flyer design to make it print ready.  Thank you, Mark Wanenmacher!

We are applying for the necessary permits to conduct the actual march in D.C.

We will be contacting potential state march coordinators this week, and we will begin to post contact information for those coordinators on our site.
Ways to Get Involved
Many people have emailed or posted in our forums, asking how they can be more involved.  One of the best things people can do right now is spread the word about Second Amendment March.  We have a simple pdf flyer available at http://www.secondamendmentmarch.com/promo.htm.  Feel free to print it, post it, distribute it...whatever it takes to spread the word far and wide about the upcoming marches. 
Of course, continue to write to and call your state representatives regarding your stance on the second amendment, and what it means to all freedom-loving Americans.
Thanks for your continued support.  United we stand!

Second Amendment March
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Going Down the YouTubes? 
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Our Mission
The mission of the Second Amendment March is to galvanize the courage and resolve of Americans; to petition our elected officials against establishing anti-gun legislation; and to remind America that the Second Amendment is necessary to maintain our right to self defense.
It is the one right that protects
all others.
We will accomplish our mission by a centralized, peaceful march in Washington DC, the United States Capitol, supported by satellite marches to State Capitols and other cities all across America.


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The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson

No Free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
Thomas Jefferson.