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Shouldn't the Law Have Protected this Guy?



--- Quote ---LPD: Shooting Death Appears Accidental
Lincoln police are investigating a shooting death, they say appears accidental.

Police have identified the 20-year-old victim as Emanuel Zavaleta Hernandez.
Police believe Hernandez was handling a gun under the assumption it was unloaded when the gun went off.

--- End quote ---

It was also noted that he was in trouble with the police in years past.

So, if you can't purchase a gun until you're 21 (he was 20) and you can't purchase one if you're a felon, how could this happen? I don't understand how the system could have failed so miserably!

I jest, of course -- outlaws are called outlaws for a reason -- they don't live inside the laws.

On a more serious note, I hate to see anyone die -- under any circumstances -- that's no joke. I do think it makes an interesting point, though.

NE Bull:
Yep he had record INCLUDING being a felon in posession of a firearm previously (If I read the article correctly)  and it was a rifle, so the 21 is out, can purchase longguns at 18 I believe.


--- Quote from: NE Bull on June 13, 2012, 09:31:43 AM ---Yep he had record INCLUDING being a felon in posession of a firearm previously (If I read the article correctly)  and it was a rifle, so the 21 is out, can purchase longguns at 18 I believe.

--- End quote ---

Good point. I didn't realize it was a long gun. Does the LPD make you register the sale of rifles or is that just handguns? I would be interested to hear if the weapon was obtained "legally" or if this really was a case of an outlaw not following the law.


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