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Crimestrike on YouTube


Not sure how many might have happened across this, but I recently found this short series on YouTube called Crimestrike.

I think this link will get you to it:

Anyway, I haven't watched all of the episodes, but it seems to be geared toward informing folks about why self protection and arming yourself is necessary. The story telling is quite good in the couple episodes I've watched.

I'd love to hear your thoughts and hope you enjoy the drama. :)

Good find. I like.

NE Bull:
Slowly working my way thru the series. I keep finding it neccessary to post each one to my FB wall.

I still like the show, but I'm a couple more episodes in and I've got to say: I wouldn't rely on the videos to show examples of how to use a firearm in self defense. The people telling their stories have made a bunch of boneheaded mistakes. For instance, "family business" shows a pharmacist chasing a would-be robber out of his store and shooting at him.

Another episode showed a guy just blast a bad guy he found in his living room, seemingly before he presented a threat of bodily harm or death.

Anyway, I still like it but don't tout it as training for would-be CHP holders.

NE Bull:
Yeah like in Armed and Delicious, she allowed him to walk away with his gun , Although she did admit to realizing it as he was walking away.


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