Gear & Equipment > Knives and cutting tools

What is an "auto knife"


Hi everybody. I was reading some old threads in this sections and found this:,1690.0.html

Where the consensus seems to be that switch blades are not illegal in Nebraska, but Lincoln has a ban on them. It seems that the OP's "auto knife" was lumped in with the switch blades. Also, I read an old post about someone, at a gun show, getting their inventory of "auto knives" confiscated by the Lincoln PD.

So, my question is: is an auto knife always a switch blade? I know someone with an "assisted opener" knife which has no button or switch that activates it. You have to push it open a little bit and then it pops up into a locked position. Is that considered an "auto knife" or switchblade?

Your opinions are appreciated. Thanks!

an auto has a button or switch. an assisted knife is not an auto.


--- Quote from: jonm on July 02, 2012, 04:04:45 PM ---an auto has a button or switch. an assisted knife is not an auto.

--- End quote ---

Alright, that's what I had found when researching it. I was second guessing myself.


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