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s&w 442 with internal lock vs. s&w 442 no internal lock

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What is the difference between these two guns?  I know both are double action, but still confused... can anyone explain.  I am looking at getting a J frame revolver for carry and its between the 442 or body guard but there are a couple different models and not sure what the differences are.   

First off might I suggest a 642. I have a 642 and would recommend a stainless if you want to carry, just one less thing you have to worry about. And I have a 642 with the "Hillary Hole", thought it would be the end of the world at first but it isn't a big deal. If you ever want to lock the gun then you have the option, but I prefer to lock my entire gun in a safe instead of internally locking it. The only difference between these guns is one can be locked with a little key to keep the trigger from moving.

They go in the safe for me too if they are not on me.  Why would you go with the 642 over the 442?  what is the difference.  I've only held a 442 in the stores and their website isn't that clear. 

The 642 is stainless and the 442 is a matte black. As far as I can recall the 442 is not completely rust proof (somebody else may be able to chime in with this).

I have a no-lock 642.  I wanted one without the lawyer lock because I figured it's one more thing to go wrong.  I second the 642 ocver the 442.  Carry guns get exposed to a lot of sweat.  Both guns have an aluminum frame but the 642 has a stainless cylinder and barrel.


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