I went and shot a few rounds at their bullet trap today. It's a very clean facility and very modern looking. The lanes are all equipped with a digital pad that you use to set the distance of your target (this is way cool).
You can't bring your own targets. The explanation was that the paper particles from a standard target will pollute the air or clog the air filters. Their special targets don't leave as much dust in the air, I guess.
You aren't allowed to draw from a holster while shooting. They also want you to watch a safety video before you use the range the first time. They're pretty concerned about your safety and health which is a good thing.
They do rent guns and their inventory is slowly growing as stuff comes in. I didn't have a chance to look at the choices, though.
Rifles are allowed as long as the ammo is not armor piercing and the caliber is .308 or smaller. They are very concerned about damage to their backstop, which I imagine is very expensive, so they will use a magnet on your rifle ammo to make sure it's not steel.
Overall, I was very impressed with the facility and staff. I will be going back, but my one problem is that it's so far from home.