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It's so hot...

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"It's so hot,  I saw a dog chasing a rabbit and they were both walking!"     (This from a witty gentleman at my church.)

Yesterday afternoon, a rabbit sauntered out from under a cedar tree as my dog and I walked by. Normally the race would have been on, but this time the dog looked, took a couple of steps towards the rabbit, the rabbit moved away a couple more steps and this continued about a minute.  Finally, my dog walks back to me ignoring the rabbit. 

The joke had become a true story!

Wesley D:
 :laugh:  Okay, I'll play...

It's so hot, I had to build a fire this afternoon to keep cool!

It's so hot, I went to the range on Sunday and only stayed for 30 minutes.

It (was) so hot....chickens were laying hard boiled eggs.

It was so hot when I dug my taters that all I needed in the garden was some butter and salt & pepper...


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