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Brace yourselves



Here it is. The start of a significant push for a federal AWB. No doubt with magazine limits and all the pointless bullcrap of the last one.


--- Quote ---I'm just saying: It's a two-way street.  You've got to earn success
--- End quote ---

Hypocrite... You are attacking Romney for his time at Bain, and now you say people have to earn success? Last I checked Romney earned his success there.

My budget isn't accounting for a bulk buy of AR and Glock mags... Looks like I may have to rethink my other purchases I'm saving for, or win the lottery... Would $50 million get me enough gun supplies?

"Ladies and Gentlemen, prepare to defend your rights.

As most of the people on my friends list probably know, there is NO real difference between so called "Assault Weapons" and any other semi-automatic rifle. Dress any hunting rifle up in black with a couple attachments, and the masses will move to ban it, as it looks scary. The notion of an "Assault Weapons Ban" is purely cosmetic and primarily based in the fiction of movies, video games, and poorly informed press. In fact, in many cases, "Assault Weapons" are actually have less firepower than their semi-automatic hunting or sporting cousins.

Magazine capacity limits are equally as pointless. The high capacity magazines were still widely available during the last ban, either illegally from Mil/LE sources or from pre-ban manufactured stockpiles. And anyone can tell you that someone wishing to carry a certain number of rounds to carry out a hypothetical evil deed, is not at all hindered by the rounds being in one magazine or a few more.

After every atrocity, they push for more gun control, and in the end, it equates to nothing more than a "feel good measure." If we ban "Assault weapons," sooner or later, another atrocity will happen. Then they will come for all semi-auto rifles, and another atrocity will happen. Then they will come for all semi auto handguns, another atrocity will happen. Then they will come for all pump action shotguns, another atrocity will happen. Then they will come for all handguns, another atrocity will happen.........

Are you detecting the pattern? As supporting evidence for my "paranoia" as you may call it, I offer the the series of atrocity/legislation/atrocity/legislation that took place in both Great Britain and Australia in the late 20th century. To the point of where civilian firearms ownership in both countries is almost non-existent. To those of you who may suggest that this is a good thing, please review the violent crime rates and trends in both of those countries during that same time period, up until present day."

"The equivalent of the Assault Weapons ban, would be to ban certain types of cars because they look like they can go fast. Not that they actually can go fast, but because they appear to be capable of dangerous and unnecessary speeds"

Feel free to borrow those snippets for FB or whatever, both were originally written by me. If you would like to give credit, feel free, if not, I do not care.


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