General Categories > Carry Issues

Carry in Grocery Stores with Banks

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--- Quote from: DaveB on August 25, 2012, 12:00:43 AM ---I wonder if next they will catch someone in the bank parking lot using the ATM from their car while legally carrying a concealed firearm. Isn't using the ATM on bank property the same as using the actual bank?

--- End quote ---

If you are in your car, then you should be good.

Even a cop needs permission, articulable probable cause, and/or a warrant to search your car......

The car issue is explicitly taken care of in the statutes, so long as the parking lot and drive are open to the public. I agree with birdogne's ccw student.

The statutory section that is referenced for "financial institution" is the definition of what institutions are subject to state banking regulations. Grocery stores don't fit, though the retail banks in them do.


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