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Happy Birthday Jay!

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Rick, What ever you do do-not look at his profile.

Happy Birthday JJ.


--- Quote from: Jay on March 13, 2009, 02:20:58 PM ---Come on now, Rick, I thought we were friends!  :'(

Oh yeah, I can guarantee you Kim doesn't want to get into the "how old is he?" discussion here. I might need a fire extinguisher, but she will need the entire fire department on stand by!

 :o  8)  ;D

--- End quote ---

Now leave me out of's not my birthday!

Well, my day kinda sucked, but I just bought myself an awesome b-day present.

Now we gotta dig our leathers out of storage.  8)

Sounds like a motorcycle is back in your life.

Yep, I have learned many things in my lifetime. One of which is that happiness truly is a warm .45. I have also learned that happiness can also truly be a warm shovel head. Mine's kick start only.


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