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Author Topic: Repeal of 2nd Amendment debate tomorrow  (Read 1283 times)

Offline huskergun

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Repeal of 2nd Amendment debate tomorrow
« on: March 25, 2009, 12:37:21 PM »
 This was sent to me from the Second Amendment March group. Pass this on to as many people as possible right now!! Thanks
Rich >:(
What's New
Urgent Action Required
URGENT! Anti-gun Chicago talk show host Milt Rosenberg will be hosting a radio debate on the REPEAL of the 2nd Amendment to our Constitution on superstation WGN Radio.

WGN has a huge market and can be heard on air in many states and around the world streaming live on the internet....this is not just an Illinois issue. (Note that if you cannot click on the link directly, copy and paste the entire link into your browser's address bar.)

The following is taken from an urgent email just issued by the Illinois State Rifle Association. This is a TRIAL BALLOON people. Don't forget where Obama came from....Chicago. If you care at all about freedom then you recognize that an on air debate about abolishing the 2nd Amendment is the shot across the bow. Read and respond:

Defending our Constitution will be Bob Levy, Chairman of the Cato Institute.

The debater who will be attacking our Constitution has not been named as of yet.


1. Mark your calendar to listen to WGN Radio, AM 720, on Thursday, March 26, 2009 beginning at 9 PM. If you cannot receive WGN in your area, you can listen to the program live on the Internet at www.wgnradio.com

2. No matter where you live, please be sure to call the radio station's call in line at (312) 591-7200 and ask to speak your opinion on what has been said. It would be best if you voice support for the 2nd Amendment and Mr. Levy's statements rather than personally attacking whoever the anti gunner is.

3. Please pass this alert on to all your gun-owning, freedom-loving friends, your gun club, and anyone else you know who would be interested in calling in to the radio show to defend our Constitution.

4. Please post this alert to any and all Internet bulletin boards or blogs to which you subscribe.

It is important that you call the radio station and continue to call until you get through to speak. The more pro-gun callers we get, the better. Don't let the anti gunners use this forum as a vehicle for trampling on our Constitution!

Let's do what we can to generate a nation-wide response to this latest attack on our rights!
Interview with Ted Nugent

This interview between Ted Nugent and Concealed Carry Magazine was reprinted with permission by Ted Nugent.
On Feb 25th, Attorney General and avowed gun hater Eric Holder announced the intentions of the Obama administration to re-up the 1994 assault weapons ban, this time with some additional threats to our liberties.  Ted, can "we the people" stop this from happening in today's political environment and what is your recommendation as to how to go about stopping it?
TN: Though the Obama administration is plowing forward (backwards) with his full on antiAmerican agenda on every issue, the real guilt for most of America's problems must be shared by apathetic Americans who have so miserably failed to participate in this glorious, uniquely American experiment in self government, most notably, Americans who claim to believe in freedom but are not current members of the NRA. Please join the NRA and unite for a counterpunch that could destroy the gun control monster once and for all. Constantly communicating our families' beliefs with our elected officials is Job One for all Americans.   

In your opinion, was the 2008 election of Obama a referendum on gun control as the Brady Campaign would have us believe?
TN: Typical of the Brady liars, nothing could be further from the truth. Even your most diehard leftist liberal Democrats avoided the gun control issue like the plague for even they know it would be their deathknoll. [They] bank on the painfully accurate assumption that many Americans are not paying attention. America will get what we deserve. 
Ted, the political landscape of this country changed radically on January 20th, 2009 with the help of an extremely biased national "mainstream" media blatantly pushing an Obama/left wing socialist agenda during the campaign.  In your opinion, what made this proud nation, built on rugged individualism and the gun, turn to an avowed leftist as a leader?
TN: The smell of victory from WWII was short lived, and a once rough, tough brave America began its decline shortly thereafter into the doldrums of "feel good" denial and politics. The liberal media and leftists were emboldened to tread on America with impunity. The failed American education system made it a point to eliminate the painful yet pivotal information about Nazis, deathcamps, Battan Deathmarches and the atrocities of evil people destroying innocent lives through tyranny, slavery, corruption and sinful abuse of power. Therefore, we became ripe for such abuses shortly after the Vietnam embarrassment. Though rugged individualism and a glowing entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in this great land, the parasites amongst us have gained so much ground that liberal democrats offering policies benefiting bloodsuckers have created a glut of bloodsuckers. We are about to hit a deadend brickwall, but everybody I know will never, ever give up being the best that we can be to turn this great nation back onto the True North course of the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, Ten Commandments and Golden Rule. It is time for absolute activism by all who care. 
As you are aware, guns and ammunition have been flying off of the shelves since roughly October of last year as the election approached.  It is said that the civilian population is arming itself at a historical rate.  Being that history has a tendency to repeat itself, is another armed conflict possible in this country as the radical left, a rabidly liberal congress, and an Obama administration attempt to chip away at our God-given right to keep and bear arms and defend ourselves?
TN: Such drastic damage control is always a possibility, but I believe that it will never get to that because so many Americans are just too smart and clever to allow such self destruction to take place when it is so unnecessary. I believe we will fall further into the grips of denial and excuse making, but will eventually wake up and once again return to an America dedicated to rewarding excellence and punishing slovenly, gluttonous self loathing.
I'm sure the readers would love to know what your favorite carry gun is...care to let us know?
TN: Surely Rule #1 is to always have a gun, preferably 2 on us at all times. I love all my guns but have come to rely on my Glock Model 20 in caliber 10mm, along with the Glock Model 29 in the same caliber. But choice of gun is far less important than dedication to training and practice.   
Ted, I'm a huge fan and have been to several of your concerts over the years.  In fact, I was at your concert in the NJ Meadowlands seated on the field near the 50 yard line in, I believe, 1977 when you shared the ticket with Frank Marino and Mahogany Rush, Journey and Aerosmith.  I was also seated up in the rafters during your infamous New Haven CT show a few years later that erupted into a fireworks and bottle throwing ruckus outside the New Haven Coliseum.  My mom and dad, who gave us ride home from the show that night, were great sports as we all huddled underneath an awning across the street until the police got control of the situation.  My father Don blamed the incident back then on your "Crazy, Loud Rock n Roll" and thought you were a lunatic.  He has since become a huge fan of yours as a conservative and second amendment activist.  Would you be kind enough to tell my father after all these years that it's just Rock n Roll and it's meant to be cranked up?
TN: Your father was smart to be suspicious of such an outrageous, passionate maniac like me. And of course, over time, he came to realize the fact that with the same energy and absolutism that I put into my music and defiant activism, I have always stood up loud and proud in defiance of the goofball hippie rock-n-roll failures so prevalent in my music industry. I have a feeling your dad and I are American BloodBrothers. I just happen to create the properly intense soundtrack for us.
Second Amendment March and NRA Representative to Speak at Town Hall Meeting
Salem Sportsperson's Club


NRA, CCW, and Second Amendment Advocates Speak
6:30 PM April 2, 2009
North Dorr Hall
4790 22nd St.
Dorr, MI 49323

Interested in a concealed pistol license?
Interested in new gun laws that affect you?
Interested in the NRA and protecting your second amendment rights?

Join us for an informational presentation that will answer these questions.
We will have Allan Herman with the NRA.
We will have Skip Coryell who is a respected author on gun ownership and a main organizer of the "Second Amendment March"
Mr. Coryell has donated several books as door prizes and will hold a book signing at the meeting.
March Info: www.secondamendmentmarch.com
Books info: www.whitefeatherpress.com
CCW info: www.mwtac.com
There is no obligation to join anything and there is no cost to attend.

Feel free to e-mail any questions to millerelectric@wildblue.net or call 616-437-9820 or lnhrtal@aol.com or call 616-299-7454 for more information or directions.
Second Amendment March Merchandise Now Available!
You asked for it, and it's here!  Thanks to DJ from Clear Line Graphics and Joy from USA Graphics, we are pleased to offer Second Amendment March merchandise such as t-shirts, hats, pins, bumper stickers and more at http://store.secondamendmentmarch.com.
When you purchase items from the store, you can be assured that 100% of the money earned by Second Amendment March goes directly to supporting our second amendment rights.  The organizers of Second Amendment March are not taking any personal income from these sales -- it's strictly a fundraising effort.
We'll try to add more designs and items as time permits.  Thanks for your continued support!

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Our Mission
The mission of the Second Amendment March is to galvanize the courage and resolve of Americans; to petition our elected officials against establishing anti-gun legislation; and to remind America that the Second Amendment is necessary to maintain our right to self defense.
It is the one right that protects
all others.
We will accomplish our mission by a centralized, peaceful march in Washington DC, the United States Capitol, supported by satellite marches to State Capitols and other cities all across America.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson

No Free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
Thomas Jefferson.