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GQ Article on Guns



This was a well written article, the author admits to coming into the story with bias and walks folks through her learning about and accepting of firearms.  Does she become a pro rights activist, no, but she learns that not everything she hears about firearms and their sales is true and publicly has said so.

Good job to the folks at Sprague's Sports in Yuma, Arizona, they did a good job of representing firearms owners and those in the business.


--- Quote from: AAllen on September 06, 2012, 08:41:52 AM ---This was a well written article ....

--- End quote ---

I'm not sure I would go that far.  There appear to be several opinions presented as facts.  Common in today's "journalism" but certainly not well-written. 

It was nice that the article wasn't a total hit piece.

I enjoyed the article.  Sure there were some obvious attitudes about an east coaster and guns, but she was willing to keep an open mind and see that the opinions of her friends were not the only opinions out there. 


She seems to think that the mighty ATF and maybe even the store clerk should be able to discern from appearance and demeanor if a person is qualified to purchase.

Haven't we been told all our lives that we shouldn't judge a book by its cover? 

I don't know that an objective, reliable test could be devised that could accurately predict future behavior.  The anti's act as if such a test exists though. 

The other option is to assume that everyone is guilty and they must prove their innocence, which is the heart of gun control efforts.  This approach of course is an anathema to every freedom minded individual, excuse me... every thinking freedom minded individual, but sadly gun owners are second class citizens in the eyes of our gun grabbin' cousins.   


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