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iphone 5

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My two cents worth.
I have to agree with bradkoll.
Been using my “iPhone 4S” on the Sprint network for the past 9 months and like brad says, “IT JUST WORKS.” This is the best cell phone available in the market place. I wouldn’t waste my time or money on anything else and will always buy the best model of Apple iPhone available.
As info: There are issues with the Sprint network being weak in certain areas (away from major metropolitan areas – like at the ENGC range). It doesn’t bother me to have a weak signal when at the range, as I don’t want people bothering me when I’m at the range shooting. So, If you decide to go with Sprint, be sure their signal towers give you good coverage in and for your specific location(s).


--- Quote from: WESchultz on September 16, 2012, 12:25:32 PM ---
As info: There are issues with the Sprint network being weak in certain areas (away from major metropolitan areas – like at the ENGC range). It doesn’t bother me to have a weak signal when at the range, as I don’t want people bothering me when I’m at the range shooting. So, If you decide to go with Sprint, be sure their signal towers give you good coverage in and for your specific location(s).

--- End quote ---

That's odd. I have decent service with Spring when I am out at ENGC.

My big problem with Sprint is their data service.  It's ridiculously slow.  Their 4G coverage is laughable.  Unfortunately my wife just upgraded her phone so we're stuck with them another 2 years.

Because of Sprint's unlimited data, I cancelled my home internet and just tether my phone so I can get on Xbox live and use my computer. I think I went through just over 30GB of data last month. Yeah, its a little slow. But it is unlimited. And it was actually faster than Cox's 3MB/s internet when I had it.


--- Quote from: bkoenig on September 16, 2012, 03:43:52 PM ---My big problem with Sprint is their data service.  It's ridiculously slow.  Their 4G coverage is laughable.  Unfortunately my wife just upgraded her phone so we're stuck with them another 2 years.

--- End quote ---

What 4G coverage? 


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