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looking for some ideas, maybe the 1st weekend of Dec. nothing to crazy. a cruise maybe? discuss...

Mountains?  I only take my vacations in the winter to go snowboarding.   Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah are all places i travel to multiple times during the winters. 

Mexico is usually pretty inexpensive and it's nice to get a little warmth and sunshine during the Nebraska winter.

Cruises are great, if you do that plan one that has as many stops as possible.  Jamaica is also great, beautiful island with very nice people.  It's the type of place to go if you just want to be able to relax on the beach and throw a flag in the sand when your ready for another drink.  Most of the time its all inclusive.  When me and the wife went a few years ago even the scuba diving and watersports were included.  Best of luck deciding, and I'd be happy to join if your paying...

I'll watch your guns while you're gone :)


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