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Author Topic: Savage/Stevens Shotgun  (Read 3984 times)

Offline FreedomOne

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Savage/Stevens Shotgun
« on: October 02, 2012, 03:00:12 AM »
I am looking for opinions on a shotgun I recently took a look at. It is built by Savage, but is called a Stevens 320 Pump. I was told that Stevens had been around a long time, but bought out by Savage who still used the name for this particular line of shotguns. The one I saw was 12 ga, chambered for 2 3/4 and 3 inch shells. It was black synthetic, with a vertical hand grip at the trigger, ghost ring sights, and a heat shield from the factory. It was priced NIB at $199.99. Anyone have any experience with this gun or this brand? I know of Savages quality, but because of the lower price I wasn't sure of the quality of this line. I couldn't find too much to modify this gun, but the way it was set up would be just fine. I am looking for another home defense shotgun. Thank you!

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Re: Savage/Stevens Shotgun
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2012, 07:53:58 AM »
Pretty sure this is a Norinco-made clone of a Remington 870.  All parts are said to interchange except the barrels.  They are well thought of for home defense since they hold 5+1 from the factory(instead of 4+1 like a 870).

The machining is a little rougher than a Remington, but they are said to smooth up nicely after 100 rounds or so.

If I found a used one at a reasonable price, I wouldn't pass it up.   ;D
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