Ammunition & Hand Loading > Cartridge and Shotshell reloading
Homemade case feeder ideas
I bet the Styrene would make a very clean, durable product. It would probably last forever. I didn't go that rout because I've never worked with it before, and wasn't sure where to get it.
I bet the edges on the MDF will wear down eventually. The good news is that you can make a make an unlimited number of plates at almost no cost. The 4'x8' sheets of MDF are around $30. Make a couple for each caliber at once, and then toss them as they wear out.
MDF seems fairly easy to work with, and might be a nice 'first go'. And I imagine the time to wear down would be decades prolly ? Might depend on the weather ??
Styrene sheets are pretty easy to get ahold of, and can be formed with a heat gun. Dunno cost of just blocks you gotta chisel/cut to your own want. Concerns might be brittleness ?
I'm sure you can prolly varnish MDF or something to make it much more resistant to the elements ?
unfy you are a rambunctious do-it-yourselfer aren't ya? :P
--- Quote from: bradkoll on October 10, 2012, 08:53:40 PM ---unfy you are a rambunctious do-it-yourselfer aren't ya?
--- End quote ---
I do like to fiddle with stuff. Mostly if it's practical, though. Sadly, being in apartment without a garage, I have severe limitations on what I can or cannot do :(.
And actually -- I'm gonna put this entire project on hold.
A) wanna get copper plating done as either complete success or complete failure.
B) gonna get a reprap or similar 3d printer built when funds become available.
I've been eyeballing reprap stuff for about 6 years now ... and it seems they've come a very long way.
Looks like reprap projects have finally gotten a fine granularity to become really useful. Also, prices for the kits look like they're $600-$800, with it possibly being cheaper from other sources etc.
Build volume seems to be 5x5x5 inches for the huxley, and around 7 inches for some of the others.
3d printer stuff should be handy for building the case slider on the press ram and other things.
Annnnddddd... since I have severe limitations on what I can do being in an apartment, "printing" something I need is much more plausible rather than working with power tools...
I still wanna see pics and updates from NENick concerning his bullet feeder!
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