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Author Topic: Looking at new youth rimfire rifles  (Read 2083 times)

Offline OmahaGunGUy

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Looking at new youth rimfire rifles
« on: November 06, 2012, 11:42:04 AM »
Hey everyone.  I am looking to get some suggestions on a youth 22lr for my kids.  Probably be a Christmas gift.  I have a Marlin 60 and the length of pull is a little long for my daughter who is six.  I was looking at a bolt action not a single shot.  I like what Savage has to offer, but I don't want to be tied down to one manufacture.
Any suggestions?

Offline JimP

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Re: Looking at new youth rimfire rifles
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2012, 08:14:54 AM »
I started all my kids (at age eight) with single shot youth models, and think that it is the way to go-  they'll shoot more carefully/deliberately.  3-5 kids can still burn through a brick of .22lr with amazing speed, even with single shots.

As to which one, I followed Kathy Jackson's (of Cornered Cat) advice and had each kid pick out their own, because if they make the choice, then they are a bit more emotionally invested in the gun, and will see it as theirs.  I also made them pay for it with their birthday/Christmas cash.  It was fun to go to the gun stores and watch them compare guns, and prices ..... you'd think they were never going to have that much money ever again for all the care they took spending it!

FWIW, two picked Marlin 15Y's, one a Savage Cub, one a 15YS (stainless 15Y with fiber optic sights) and the youngest one spent her money on something else, figuring she'll just borrow her sisters' guns.
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Re: Looking at new youth rimfire rifles
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2012, 08:21:48 AM »
I did some instructor training with our local Scout district. they were using Savage MarkI or Mark II bolt actions that had floor plates installed that made them single shots, but could be removed and 10 round magazines used.  They had Williams target sights installed. SWEET setups.
We were told they could be had thru the CMP program http://www.odcmp.com/Sales/22commercial.htm  or were available for a few dollars more at retail stores.  I plan on getting one for my son in the near future as the ol Marlin 80 is a bit heavy for they boy.
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