I had to conduct a survey for my final persuasive speech topic and had some results you might like to see. My speech is going to be about allowing concealed carry on campus so I developed 6 questions asking the students in my class for some views of concealed carry in general.
Question 1.
Do you know what concealed carry is?
Yes- 19 No- 2
Question 2.
How familiar are you with Nebraska's concealed carry laws?
(They ranked this from 1-5 with 1 being unfamiliar and 5 being very familiar)
(1)- 6 (2)- 9 (3)- 2 (4)- 2 (5)- 2
Question 3.
What do you think of people who carry a concealed firearm? (they respond to this in their own words)
-Super paranoid
-I think it's a form of protection
-I hope they're using it for good
-I think it's a good idea in some circumstances
-It is most likely illegal for that person to own
-I'd prefer they not because when others find out it could be uncomfortable. At the same time they have every right to feel protected.
-I think they are a joke
-I think they expect the worst out of people
-Better be for defense only
-As long as they use it for the right reasons
-It's dangerous but also protective
-I have a few friends that have it
-Responsible citizens
-They are using their right to carry arms
-Doesn't bother me
-Awesome (sidenote: this student later admits to having a permit)
Question 4.
Would you ever consider getting a concealed weapons permit?
Yes- 14 No- 7
Question 5.
How confident are you in your ability to defend yourself away from home? (1 is not confident and 5 is very confident)
(1)- 4 (2)- 4 (3)- 5 (4)- 6 (5)- 2
Question 6.
What questions do you have about concealed carry? (handwritten answers again)
-Who is allowed to have a license?
-Legal issues?
-When is the most appropriate time to use it?
-Is it just carrying a gun or getting a license to?
-What are the specifics about the laws?
-Definition, and who is allowed to carry a permit?
-What do you have to do to get a concealed firearm?
-What accidents have happened?
I plan on addressing the process to obtain a permit, give them some campus crime statistics, and show how there is no increase in crime on campuses from it. I was surprised at how many people would consider getting a permit, hopefully my speech is persuasive enough to get them to take action. Wish me luck.