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Lost my daughter

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Sorry for your loss.   :(

This is a wound that time never really heals.   :(  We also lost a daughter.  You and your family are in our prayers.

My wife and i are very sorry for your loss. Sympathies and prayers go out to you.


--- Quote from: newfalguy101 on October 23, 2012, 11:38:45 PM ---My daughter, Casie, was killed in an auto accident 10-19-2012.

Many on this forum either know her, or have seen her at various gunshows helping with my table ( or more accurately visiting with other dealers as I was WORKING my table)

Full obituary and funeral details canbe found here:

--- End quote ---

What a terrible tragedy. As a new parent I can hardly bear to even think about the pain that must come with the loss of a child.

I'll be praying for you and your family and all of the lives that your lovely daughter touched.

sorry for your loss.


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