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Those times you drive for a half hour or more....

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And realize you left your wallet at home.

And that you're armed.


If I am carrying, i hit my wallet at least twice before i even leave the house. Simply because I have done this before, except without the gun. Just pumping gas and realizing there is no wallet in the pocket.

I had a really busy day... happened to toss my wallet on bed in between trips and didn't think twice about it when going back out the door.

If it wouldn't be so weird during a Stop situation, having the permit in a pocket in the holster (crossbreed huge thing) would be neat.  "Can I see your permit" ... "its in my holster" ... and the big frowns that follow heh.


--- Quote from: unfy on October 29, 2012, 04:02:34 PM ---And realize you left your wallet at home.

And that you're armed.


--- End quote ---

Switch to open carry and you are good to go!

Forgetting my wallet is like forgetting my glasses or keys, I'm lost without them.

I don't go anywhere without my wallet.


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