General Categories > Non Gun Stuff

Those times you drive for a half hour or more....

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NE Bull:

--- Quote from: gsd on October 29, 2012, 04:04:50 PM ---If I am carrying, i hit my wallet at least twice before i even leave the house. Simply because I have done this before, except without the gun. Just pumping gas and realizing there is no wallet in the pocket.

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I, too, find myself checking on my wallet on the way out the door, at least once in the car (every few miles on the bike), then again before walking into a store, or work.  Then again, maybe I just like touchin' me own bum. ;)

I too have thought about the card holder in the holster....

3 things I check every time I leave. Phone, keys, and wallet. In that order, sometimes I even say it out loud lol.


--- Quote from: bradkoll on October 30, 2012, 01:22:34 PM ---3 things I check every time I leave. Phone, keys, and wallet. In that order, sometimes I even say it out loud lol.

--- End quote ---

LOL... I typically do the same.  Get some strange looks from coworkers at times.


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