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I voted today!

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I voted!

Just got back from the polls.  Took my daughter with me as I always do, and we talked about the various candidates and issues as I filled out my ballot.

I voted as well.

Wife & I voted the first thing out this morning, just hope we all get what we want.  I think that they need to get rid of the elector vote and go the peoples choice for the prez.

NE Bull:

--- Quote from: bkoenig on November 06, 2012, 05:03:32 PM ---Just got back from the polls.  Took my daughter with me as I always do, and we talked about the various candidates and issues as I filled out my ballot.

--- End quote ---
Good job, Dad. Didn't get to take my children, but my son told me about the mock election they did last week in social studies. I was very proud of his "votes".  It tells me he is paying attention
. ;)


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