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I voted today!

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--- Quote from: LazyAce on November 06, 2012, 06:10:51 PM ---Wife & I voted the first thing out this morning, just hope we all get what we want.  I think that they need to get rid of the elector vote and go the peoples choice for the prez.

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Completely disagree.  The EC serves a great purpose and the debates there in are lengthy.

As far as simple and quick reason -> my views tend to not align with the big city typical opinion.  Since city population will grow much quicker that would mean that those that big cities favor would have an advantage in the 'popularity contest'.


--- Quote from: unfy on November 06, 2012, 06:13:26 PM ---Completely disagree.  The EC serves a great purpose and the debates there in are lengthy.

As far as simple and quick reason -> my views tend to not align with the big city typical opinion.  Since city population will grow much quicker that would mean that those that big cities favor would have an advantage in the 'popularity contest'.

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I agree with unfy.

My Beautiful Wife and I voted a coupla weeks ago.

We applied for early ballots, got them in the mail.

Sat down at the kitchen table with some coffee and talked it over.   So we marked our ballots up together, skipped the names we didn't know much about.   Googled them later.   Took us coupla days to get it all done, just messing around at our leisure.

Voted for pay increase for senators; hope Ernie Chambers calls to thank me.  Voted to keep term limits at two terms.   Buncha other stuff.   Hand-delivered them back to election hqs. when we were finished; live close by.

Long story short, an altogether excellent way to express one's franchise.  Beats standing in line at the polls.   We'll do it this way from here on out.

[PS - This way you get to see how your wife votes.   Can't do that at the polling station.]


grabbed sample ballot, did a bunch of research, including looking for other candidates for positions, wrote a cheat sheet to take with me.

filled in a few bubbles next to names, wrote in a few scooby doo's, and a few real names, and in general did my voting :).  saw someone working the station i hadn't talked to in a while (was a greeter)... casually shot the breeze for a few min... then went on to work


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