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Hitting an animal within city limits

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The only thing I can add to the excellent response from UPCrawfish is to say that many Sheriff deputies may have salvage tags they can issue without the need to contact NGP.  Not sure if that is standard for every LE agency, but have seen them with Sarpy Co Sheriff deputies. 

Rod is correct on the salvage tags at least in rural areas where these are a regular occurrence the deputies carry salvage tags for this purpose.  If you do not want the deer the are supposed to contact a local food bank etc. and arrange for the transport and disposition.  If you are in a metropolitan area the police most likely do not carry the tags but can make a radio call and get one, they are around.  In at least Omaha I am fairly certain the police will want to do the dispatching themselves for liability reasons, they would be liable if they gave you permission to do so if anything went wrong.

Using a knife to dispatch a wounded animal is highly dangerous.  I would recommend extreme caution.  I have seen a guy that got the s*** kicked out of him by a deer he thought was unable to do anything.  The deer had a broken pelvis and could not run away but it wanted to fight to the death.

This Story Brings Back a Haunting Hunting Memory

I once shot a doe in the spine with a muzzleloader.   Back legs wouldn't work.   She "stood" on her front legs.   Didn't want to blow another hole in her.

Used a SOG Trident Tanto to cut her throat.   Creepiest feeling in the world to see those bright, clear eyes glaze over into emptiness.

I'm not a squeamish kind of guy.   In fact, somewhat otherwise.

But....I'll never do it again.


SFG... the Recon Marine in you coming out there buddy.....

Seemed like a Good Idea at the Time.



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