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Looking for a gun, asking for suggestions...

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ah good questions.  i like pocket carry, its convenient for me (i know probably not the best), but i think the LCR "shows" a little too much.   i don't find IWB very comfortable, i must wear my pants too low or something.  i will explore more carrying options when/if i get a new pistol.

i also don't think im very accurate with the LCR, especially with the long trigger pull.  it also kicks pretty good.

and yes, i think im pretty slow reloading a revolver.  i also hate having to switch hands, too much room for error, especially when the adrenaline gets pumping.

does this help any?

Are you carrying in a non-permissive environment?  I don't get too wound up about "printing" as I only carry where it's permitted and avoid the hunting grounds for psychopaths whenever possible. 

I have spent a fair amount of time carrying 5" or 4" 1911 IWB using just a t-shirt for concealment.  No panic ensued.  Most folk, the overwhelming majority, don't pay any attention. 

The thing is, as it has been said many times by folks much more knowledgeable than I about the carrying biz, "the gun isn't supposed to be comfortable.  It's supposed to be comforting." 

I am more concerned about being in the middle of an active shooter situation that I am street crime (though I'm certainly not immune even in teeny tiny town rural Nebraska).  I want a larger gun with a decent sight radius, in a decent caliber coupled with good magazine capacity. 

I'd do whatever I can to find a way to carry a larger gun on your belt somehow.  A good holster and a GOOD belt make a lot of difference.  I figure if I can tote around an all steel 5" 1911 IWB, then almost anyone can. 

I find pocket carry, even with a S&W 442 to be somewhat uncomfortable and slow.  I regard such guns as backups only. 

Pocket carry is handy if you need to disarm to enter some places :angry:.  A flat pocket nine with a holster will just disappear in my jeans front pocket.  Pocket carry definitely requires a holster that covers the trigger and does not come when you need to draw the weapon.  A pocket nine is more functional than a snubby IMO and I've carried both.
If I know I won't need to disarm, I prefer IWB.  Conceals well and easy to access ^-^.

A pistol that meets most of your requirements is the Rohrbaugh R9.  http://www.rohrbaughfirearms.com/products  No safety, has a heel mag release, 9mm, very compact, made in the USA, and was designed specifically for CCW.  The downside is that it's quite expensive and the maintenance is a bit crazy--I think the recoil spring has to be replaced every 100-200 rounds.  I don't have one but an acquaintance of mine really likes his for discreet pocket carry.

Pocket carry may be slower than IWB, but it allows you to grip your pistol discreetly in preparation, if necessary.  It's one of my favorite carry methods with a S&W J-frame.  I generally buy jeans that have large enough pockets to make this carry method feasible.  There is a bulge, yes, but there are holsters available that break up the outline of the cylinder, so it doesn't scream "gun", it looks more like a thick wallet.  Anyways, as another poster mentioned, most people are oblivious.  If you decide not to go with pocket carry, you'd be surprised as to what you can effectively conceal.  Even as a smaller guy when I started carrying (5'10" 140 lbs.) I could effectively conceal a Colt Commander (4.25" 1911 with a full-size grip) under a t-shirt with a good IWB holster and belt.

Robert, I had your same thoughts about a new CHP weapon for myself, I wanted USA mfgr. I like Ruger and S&W.
So I compared the Ruger sr9c and the M&P by S&W. I ended up buying the Ruger, mainly because it felt better in my hand, was a little bit cheaper, and I liked the silver and black combo. I have no complaints about my choice, I do sometimes pocket carry it in a jacket, in a cheap fabric holster. I am in the market for an IWB holster for this gun, but have never tried this type of carry before. I also carry a snub nose S&W J frame 357 for pocket carry sometimes, it is definately easier to pocket carry than the Ruger, I have some speedloaders I carry as well when using this gun. In the summer I have dropped the little J frame in some cargo shorts and it really isn't much of a bother, and doesn't imprint much.
I agree with what some others have said about imprinting, I think most people are in their own little world and the last thing they are looking at is if some guy has a funny bulge in his trousers.  ;D


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