So it is just generally accepted that he used an AR now?
I don't watch MSM. I use AP newsreel, and last I saw, the weapon in question was in the car. I did see the commentary of the coroner, and a google search reveals a tentative mention by ABC, but none of the others.
If he did, game over. AWB is on the way, and hoping that the courts will overturn it is a long-shot at best. It will likely be similar to the first one, only more inclusive.
Then some nutjob will go on another rampage with:
1) black market/illegal
2) pre-ban
3) ban compliant
The results of which will be:
1) Registration and aggressive storage laws (trigger locks and the like)
2) Confiscation*
3) More draconian (Think no detachable magazines, so semi-auto rifles whatsoever, etc)
And then some dip**** will go on another rampage. And the precedent that these can be stopped by gun control is already set. This pattern will carry our rights around in a circle, like a turd in the toilet, slowly but surely getting closer to the drain.
*Molon Labe. Alot of people say it, but who really MEANS it?
I know that I do, but I have long since come to terms with my own mortality, a peace that few ever truly experience. I have no dependents. Other people have children and things they care about, and are scared of death or prison, despite the former being the only guaranteed facet of life.... Just me thinking out loud.